Andrew Palm
Fifth Grade Teacher
Mr. Palm began his formal teaching career in 2015 within the Maricopa Unified School District where he taught first at Maricopa High School and then Butterfield Elementary School until June 2019. Prior to entering the teaching field he served in the United States Marine Corps, was a California licensed general contractor, and a corporate security manager. He graduated from Point Loma Nazarene University with a Bachelor of Arts in Religion; from Liberty University with a Master of Arts in Education (M.Ed.) (Historical Studies Emphasis); is currently enrolled in his third year at Liberty in the Doctor of Educational leadership program (Ed.D.); and is AZ state certified in humanities and social studies. He has 8 children of his own, exercises on a regular basis, and loves to travel, snowboard, hike, and skydive. He is happy to finally be teaching at a school where he can combine his passion for teaching and learning with his faith in Jesus Christ.
Mr. Palm