LCA is Christian at its core. In every class and school activity, we intentionally invite God to be present and involved. We teach a biblical world view and promote the culture of the Kingdom of God. God is foremost at LCA.
LCA is Classical in its approach to education. Time honored curriculum and methodology is employed to ensure each student receives a solid academic foundation for their life.
LCA is committed to class sizes that provide a student-to-teacher ratio that creates the best opportunity for learning for the student and teacher. We strive to keep our class sizes to 15 students.
LCA holds a high standard for student behavior on our campus. For example, boys wait to be seated after girls and open doors for them. When an adult enters a classroom, students stand and greet the visitor. Respect for each other and staff is required at all times.
LCA is committed to create the safest environment possible for our students in the classroom and throughout the campus. Bullying is never permitted and addressed immediately. We are diligent to provide a peaceful environment for learning and spiritual development.